Thursday, 26 June 2014

Quit your grumbling, you grouchbags!

Hello Beautiful People!

I have a confession.

I’m a grumbler.

I grumble all the time. Even if there is nothing to grumble about, there I’ll be, grumbling away. It’s one of my greatest skills; applying cynicism and negativity to things that are trundling along quite nicely, thank you very much. However, I am slowly (very slowly) coming to realise something that people have been telling me for a very long time…


Grumbling isn’t going to change anything. It’s not going to make anything better. Sitting grouchily in the corner, muttering under your breath doesn’t (and I’ve tried this, so trust me) magically make little pixies appear out of thin and throw fistfuls of 'lets make everything’ better dust, left, right and centre. I wish it did though, how awesome would that be?

You know what grumbling does?

It makes you miserable. It makes the people around you miserable. It causes a big fat cloud of miserableness to dump its misery everywhere, until even the sentient life forms hiding behind your wardrobe are consumed by its abject misery. All because you had to find something to moan about, you just couldn’t help yourself could you.

So, it’s time to quit the whining, the whingeing, the moaning and the grumbling. Take a breath, calm yourself, and start looking for the more positive things in life. Look for the silver linings in everything, no matter how small they may be. Ok, so you’re stuck in traffic and you’re going to be late home, but it does mean that you can listen to that radio play all the way to the end for a change (and the ending is pretty damn good). So it’s pouring with rain again, but look how happy those ducks are (they’re super happy).

And if the issue is something bigger? Something there isn’t a silver lining too? Look for ways to make it better. There is nothing to be gained from sitting around moaning about it. Be proactive, find out what you can do to create change. Do some online research, sign a petition, start a petition! Do some good.

Don’t be the bringer of doom and gloom, be the bringer of change.

Peace out ducklings!


p.s. If you want to start some positive change right now, this very second, click here, to send a copy of mental health charity MIND’s new manifesto to your local MP.

p.p.s. I am oh so very aware of the irony of writing a grumbling rant about grumbling so shhhhhhhhhhhh you. Yeah you on the left, I see you. Pipe down!

p.p.p.s. I am also oh so very aware that this piece of writing resembles some sort of mental meltdown but again shhhhhhhhhh!

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