Saturday, 14 June 2014

Natural Beauty: Homemade Dry Shampoo

Hello Beautiful People!

This is my first foray into homemade, natural, beauty products, so I thought I'd better start with something really quick and simple. In other words, something I couldn't make too much mess with.

Dry Shampoo!

In other words, the miracle worker that transforms your hair from greasy mess to fabulous, flowing locks. I love dry shampoo, I don't however, love the ingredients lost on my go-to bottle of Batiste

  • Butane
  • Isobutane
  • Propane
  • Chloride

And a bunch of other chemicals I never heard of. Plus I'm not sure that anything that comes with a HIGHLY FLAMMABLE warning, is anything I want to be putting on my head.

Fortunately there are loads of homemade alternatives that work just as well. I'm sure in time of desperation we've all reach for the baby powder (please tell me I'm not the only one!) and whilst this is a pretty good alternative, it doesn't smell amazing and does tend to leave you with dandruffy effect. 

The key ingredient in solvent dry shampoo, (the ingredient that works that instant refresh boost) is Rice Starch. That's what soaks up the grease from your hair and puts a bit of life back into it.

So with this in mind, I've had a go at making my own. The main ingredient of my dry shampoo is Corn Flour (or Corn Starch depending on what you call it). Baking Soda apparently works just as well but can be a bit of an irritants so I haven't tried it myself.

To darken the corn flour to match my hair colour, I added a mix of Cinnamon and Cocoa Powder. If you're a brunnette, simply mix in Cocoa until its matches your shade. The fair haired among you can probably get away with using straight corn flour.

If you're not too keen on the cocoa/cinnamon smell, pop a couple of drop of your favourite essential oil into the mix (its always got to be patchouli for me).

Pop your shampoo into a container (I've found a flour sifter works a treat, alternatively keep it in a jar and apply direct to your roots with a makeup powder brush) and voila! Easy, peasy, yummy smelling, cheap, homemade, natural, dry shampoo.


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