
Firstly let me just say how truly lovely it is to have you here! You must have been going through one hell of an internet based procrastination session to stumble across this wee blog. Seeing as you're here I suggest you pop the kettle on, make yourself a brew, grab a biscuit (or two) and stick around for a bit!

About Me
I'm Siobhan, a 21 year old Creative Writing MRes student, originally from Cumbria but currently living in Huddersfield. When I'm not trying to juggle two and half jobs and a postgraduate degree (madness I know), I spend the majority of my time drinking my own body weight in tea, dancing around my flat pretending I'm Stevie Nicks, and spending money I don't have on books I can't afford.

About The Blog
I started this blog at the beginning of 2014 partly because I'd been wanting to set up a blog for flippin' ages, partly because I needed to bulk out my C.V a bit during uni, and partly because I have way too much to say about everything and struggle to limit myself to 140 characters on Twitter. When asked I tend to describe my blog as a lifestyle blog, but in all honesty its really just a little bit of everything, from natural beauty and food, to music and lengthy incoherent rambles about anything and everything.

If you want to keep up to date with all my latest posts then you can follow me on Bloglovin'

Anyway, here's to hoping you'll stick around!
