Dear Daddy,
As Dads go you've done pretty bloody well and I don't thank you enough for it.
So Thank You...
For exposing me to your awesome taste in music and letting me discover Dylan in my own time
For sharing my love of tatty second hand books and all broken things
For all the hours you spent helping me with my art coursework
For always having the time to help me with my latest mad project
For cooking amazing food
For being a big kid, even now
For your god awful jokes and your silly songs
For reading me bedtime stories and always remembering to do the voices
For dragging my grumpy teenage backside out the house and up mountains at weekends because I always enjoyed it when we got there
For building me a never ending supply of bookshelves (fyi the new flat will need some :P)
For have so many crazy stories that you really should spend your retirement writing your autobiography, the world needs to know about your adventures
For having seen Hendrix before he got famous and therefore being one pretty cool Dad
For reminding me that the sensible option isn't always the best option
For knowing that quite often, food is the answer
For teaching me how to use drills and sanders and other non 'girly' things because lets face it, I get a huge amount of satisfaction out of being better at 'boy' things than the boys
For never letting me forget the the arts is a viable career choice even if it at times it seems the rest of the world disagrees
For inspiring me with your endless ability to learn new things. I've never know anyone be to talented at so many things.
You might drive me insane and tell me the same story three times in the same phone call but I wouldn't have you other way!
And just to ensure that this post gets a least one tear out of you, click the play button below (and no this is not me admitting I like Paul Simon because that is never happening)
If you want to read my Mother's Day post click here
Loveeed this post :)