Monday, 15 June 2015



There is no escaping the fact that I have officially become...


In the last two weeks I have applied for, been interviewed for, been offered, and excepted TWO proper jobs AND found, viewed, and signed for a new flat.



Honestly I don't think I have ever slept so badly as I have over the last few weeks. Being a grown up is stressful and I haven't adapted yet. As evidence, I refer you to last Tuesday. I'd gone home for a few nights and ended up lying on the sofa, crying, and being fed chocolate by my parents. Golds stars to them for A* parenting and zero stars and a fat F- to me for my ability to keep my shit together.


Job Number One

The first of my two shiny new jobs means I now spend my weekends working as a Bookseller for Waterstones. This means I have to switch my customer service head back on (all smiles, no sarcasm). Turns out selling books isn't that different from selling soup and sandwiches, the only difference is there is a fancier till system and I don't go home smelling of hummus. Whats not to love?  

I genuinely have really enjoyed my first few Waterstones shifts. Lit student in a bookshop, it was meant to be. 

Plus I think I'm getting that hang of things which is always nice. 

Admittedly I did manage to trip the alarm system on Sunday but that could have happened to anyone (honest!)

Job Number Two

Job number two is one I'm really excited about (no offence Waterstones, you're awesome I promise). Job number two is the one I hope to turn into a proper career or will at least be a huge step in the right direction towards a proper career. 

After a nerve-wracking interview and an even more nerve-wracking wait (I refer you back to the sofa, tears and chocolate incident), I got the phone call that means in a few weeks time I will be starting work as an Activity Organiser for A Large Care Provider™ (I can't tell you which one, its the rules of adulthood and look at me being such a responsible adult). This job means that I get to incorporate all my music and arts skills into a proper adult job and that makes me so excited!

Today was my first day of induction training which was really interesting but also knackering. My brain is having to take in so much new information at the moment I don't think it knows what to do with itself. Plus the travelling for this training is tough. The induction means I'm having to commute to and from Bradford everyday this week. 
The rush hour commute is a new experience for me, and not one I'd recommend. 

So. Many. People. 

So. Little. Room.

Also just Bradford.

No offence Braddy, but I am definitely and country girl and I cannot handle you!

The New Flat

Whilst all this job madness has been going on, I've also been flat hunting. After panicking that I was never going to find anything before my current lease ends, the process ended up being relatively painless. Simply put, I signed for the first one I saw. I did look at a couple of others but there was no way I was going to chose the one filled with rat poison and mould (no I'm not joking, it was vile). 

My home-to-be is in the middle of a refurb (bye-bye scary 70s oven) so I don't know exactly what it'll be like when I move in, but it has gorgeous old Victorian fireplaces and sash windows so I'm already in love. Once I've moved in I'll do a proper apartment tour, mainly for my own indulgence because I love home decor and I am already getting way too overexcited about cushions and plants.

It's my first proper home, I'm allowed!

All of this madness means that this week is going to be filled with commuting and signing a million forms. My desk is currently covered in tenancy agreements, work contracts and forms to state what I want my new employers to do in the event of my death (yes that is actually a thing).

Hello adulthood and bye-bye studenthood. 

Jokes, I'm off to eat ice-cream in bed and watch Game of Thrones. 

That's what adults do right?

P.S. As I'm writing I keep getting/having to send work related emails. I am owning being an adult!

P.P.S. Shout out to Raisa for coming up with the title for this post. Girl hasn't been watching too much GoT at all.

P.P.P.S. Congrats on making it all the way to the end, have this comic as a reward. I couldn't find anywhere for it to fit but couldn't leave it out cos its too awesome!

Adulthood Bear

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