Hello Beautiful People,
Well March was a little bit of a whirlwind!
My dissertation was due in at the end of the month and because I'm a typical student I obviously left it until the minute. I had an interview selection application day thingy for a artist training scheme that somehow I actually managed to get accepted on too! And on top of that a quick dash back home for 21st birthdays and Mother's Day.
All in all a little bit manic.
I don't think I've ever slept so little and eaten so much crap in one month.
1) My first blog post of the month was all about the lovely day myself and Amy from Red Head Raw spent volunteering for Oxfam Online. It was so interesting to be able to get a insight in to what goes on behind the scenes and we had great fun messing about with manikins and hunting for vintage clothing. If would want to read more about it, you can do so here.
2) Like I said, my dissertation was due in at the end of March and I spent a lot of time this month surrounded by bits of paper covered in scribbles.
3) On top of all the dissertation fun, I had to finally make a proper start on Ulysses. Like my dissertation I really should have started this sooner but I am an incredible procrastinator and my intentions of reading this beast last summer crashed and burned. Despite my initial trepidation, I've surprised myself by actually enjoying reading it. I'm still only half way through, but I might (might) get it finished by the end of the Easter holidays (maybe, possibly, probably not).
4 & 5) Two photos to celebrate International Women's Day. The first is of some of the suffragettes who paved the way for women today and the second is just of fraction of the wonderful women I'm fortunate enough to count among my friends. It was fantastic to see people celebrating the women who have inspired and influenced them, I just wish we did so more often.
6) More of the dreaded dissertation notes!
7) In an attempt to motivate myself, I bribed myself into doing work by relocating to Queenies and gorging on tea and cake. Fortunately it proved a very fruitful planning session.
8) March 12th saw the loss of one of the world's finest and truly inspiring writers, Terry Pratchett. His determination to keep writing through his struggle with Alzheimer and his work to raise awareness of the disease and start a conversation about assisted death sound not be forgotten.
9) On Mother's Day weekend, I got the train back up to Cumbria to see the family and celebrate some birthdays. I always know I'm home when the train reaches this point in its journey and you can see Farleton Knott out the window.
10) Rugby happened. Wales beat Ireland in one of the best games of Rugby I've seen in a long time. We might have lost the game but we still one the championship. Two years in a row, take that England! If any of you follow me on twitter you will have noticed that my tweets this month have pretty much exclusively consisted of 'COME ON LADS', 'JAYSUS LADS' and 'MY HEART CAN'T COPE'. Normal service has now resumed...well until the World Cup kicks off.
11) Because of Rugby, Paddy's weekend and 21st birthday parties my face ended up looking like this. That Irish Pride tattoo was a pain in the arse to get off, let me tell you!
12) This is a photo of my mama from when she spent her days being a boating badass. Because I'm the best daughter ever, as a mother's day treat I had a rare moment of sincerity and wrote about a load of other reason's she'd pretty damn awesome here.
13) Never has a hot water bottle spoken so much truth. Despite spring having well a truly sprung outside, our house still maintains that its the depths of winter and trying to type a bazzilion words on the evolution of murder ballads when your fingers are like ice cubes is not to be recommended!
14) Yet more bits of paper with scribbles on. I think I must have printed and edited 5 different drafts over the course of the weekend before the dreaded deadline day. Every time I thought I'd cracked it I stopped another set of changes.
15) In the end I bailed out and went for fish and chips in the park, followed by a 99 with sauce and sprinkles, because that is the mature and sensible way to deal with stress.
16) The finished thing. Nothing, nothing can beat the sweet relief to dumping this in the submissions box and walking away. Nothing except the large amount of comfort food and cider we went and bought in Sainsbury's afterwards. Freedom tastes so sweet!
17) There was some sort of food fair going on in Huddersfield last week and this bowl of chicken and potato goodness from the French stall was essentially a bowl of herby heaven.
18) After a month of uni stress I couldn't have asked for a nicer end to the term than to spend a Sunday singing with this fabulously talented bunch of people at a somewhereto event organised by my lovely friend Raisa.
So there we go, March snapshots done.
All these photos are taken from my Instagram account and if you want to see last month's snapshots post, you can do so here.
I'm sorry posts have been a bit thin of the ground this month. I will try to get back on track throughout April but I've got my final (ever) set of uni assignments coming up, so if not normal service will resume in May.
Thank you so much for bearing with me!
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