Monday, 10 August 2015

June and July

June and July were a pretty manic couple of months for me and I was fairly absent from social media, instagram in particular, so for that reason this snapshots post will be quite a short one. That said they were two very important months for me and I have tried to document the important bits.

I kicked off June by having a very lovely girly afternoon in Leeds with my friend Raisa, where we spent far too much money on clothes and and ate far too much food, including some heavenly pancakes in Crepe Affair. We kidded ourselves that it was fine to gorge because the next day a few of us had planned a trek up to Castle Hill and a picnic in the sunshine. This didn't exactly work out as we ended up taking the car, which also didn't work out because the car then broke down and we ended up sitting on the side of the road for a couple of hours...

Those two days were my last couple of days of freedom before an insane week of job and house hunting that I would not have made it though if I hadn't gone to stay with my parents and been mothered for a few days. Good job parents!

Speaking of parents, June meant Father's day and without wanting to brag, I actually have the best Dad ever. I know everyone says this about their Dad but I have met a fair few Dads in my time and mine definitely comes out top. If you want to read more about how awesome the one and only Mr Donnelly is, then you can do so here

After managing to secure two jobs and a flat and narrowly avoiding a meltdown, I found myself thrown into the world of work at the deep end and began my post uni working life by staring out with a 10 day week. I do not recommend this to anybody, especially if this 10 day week involves a lot of commuting to Bradford. It was bloody knackering and when I finally made it to the other side I celebrated with a lot of wine and a lot of sleep!

More alcohol was consumed when RESULTS DAY came around. Seeing as myself and all my housemates had passed with flying colours it was practically mandatory that large amounts of prosecco were consumed...among other things.

Results day marked the end of uni life as we knew it and soon it was time to have a proper clear out, get packing, say goodbye to one another and our slug invested, freezing cold, horrid in every way student house, and move on to pastures new. For me this involved roping in my parents to help me move all my possession across town into my new flat! (Plus a lot of trips to Ikea)

The next big thing was graduation, which you can read about here. It was a truly lovely day and I was so happy that I got to spend it with all my favourite people.

Since graduating I've been settling into the routine of working two different jobs and finding my feet in both. I'm very lucky that I get to work with some very lovely people. One lot who take me shopping, have a negative impact on my bank balance, and talk me into getting more piercings. Another, who invites out to lovely dinners with even lovelier cocktails. 

All in all, I'm not doing too badly!


All my photos can be found over on my instagram

If you fancy having a gander at April and May, you can do so here

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